Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where Do Your Loyalties Lie?

Well, hello! I am so glad you decided to come back! Things were slow today. I got to work at 8:30, and I didn't leave until 6:30! What a long day! My dogs haven't barked like that in a really long time.

Not too much happened today. I didn't get in trouble. I didn't put my foot in my mouth, and I didn't get to witness any knife fights! (Side Note: I was one of those kids that ran to see the fights at school.)

Although nothing vastly monumental occurred today, I did get to speak to my 6th grade students about a subject that is very important to me...WORSHIP.

Worship is defined as, "Reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred." Notice that the definition doesn't just refer to paying homage to God alone. That's because God isn't the only thing that we worship today. In our society, we have been guilty of idolatry. We focus what was meant to be for our Father alone on other things. We worship our money, jobs, possessions,  relationships. The list goes on and on...and on! We give our time to those things that have no eternal value. 
I know some may be saying, "I don't worship this or that," but don't we all worship something? Isn't there something that occupies the majority of our time? Even when we aren't able to be right there in the midst of that thing, we are thinking about it, anticipating the next moment that we will have to devote to it. For some it is sports, for others it is our boyfriend or girlfriend. The bottom line is that we all are devoted to something.
Matthew 6:24 says, "No one can be a slave of two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other." These words came from the very mouth of Christ. He is telling us that there is no way for us to give devotion and worship to both Him and something or someone else.  Jesus demands our full devotion to Him. And why shouldn't He? He is the Almighty Creator of the universe. He formed and molded each of us in our mothers' wombs. He willingly laid down His sinless, unblemished body to be sacrificed for the sins of you and me. He alone deserves every great thing. He alone deserves our true worship. 
This past summer, Ben and I took our youth to Student Life camp in Orange Beach, AL. It was the most wonderful worship experience I have ever had; however, I also came face to face with how powerful and holy my God is. My Father looked me straight in the eye and said, "You are not devoted to Me. You are trying to serve two masters."
This misplacement of worship cannot continue. In the times that I have given God my full devotion, I have not had to want for anything that I need. Now don't get me wrong. My God has been gracious enough to take care of me even in the times when I haven't been faithful, and sadly, I find myself in this scenario far too often; however, it has been such a greater blessing to see how God's hands have worked in the life of my family when my focus has been where it should. 
Thank God that He is faithful even when we aren't! Pray for the desire to be devoted to the One who knows the very number of hairs on your head! He alone is worthy of our praise and worship! 

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